Dove trovare video brevi da usare nei reel

Group of young friends having fun watching videos on a social media app using a cellphone device it

Come fare filmati pazzeschi: guida per influencer distinguersi è diventato una necessità. Per gli influencer, creare contenuti accattivanti e originali è una sfida continua. La ricerca di video efficaci per arricchire i propri post è un’esigenza sempre più pressante. In questa guida completa, ti accompagneremo alla scoperta di risorse preziose per reperire clip di film,…

Come ottenere la spunta blu su Facebook: guida completa

Girls in a blu background taking selfie

La spunta blu su Facebook è un simbolo di autenticità e riconoscimento ufficiale dell’account di una persona o di un’entità pubblica. Ottenerla può aumentare la fiducia dei tuoi seguaci e migliorare la tua credibilità online. Tuttavia, Facebook non concede questa spunta blu a tutti. Ecco come puoi lavorare per ottenere quella ambita spunta blu sulla…

Le migliori app per fare video TikTok

Group of young friends having fun watching videos on a social media app using a cellphone device it

Le Migliori App per Creare Video su TikTok TikTok è diventato un fenomeno globale, con milioni di utenti che creano e condividono video creativi su questa piattaforma. Se desideri entrare in questo mondo e creare contenuti coinvolgenti, hai bisogno delle giuste applicazioni per la creazione e l’editing video. Ecco una selezione delle migliori app disponibili…

How to find the right Influencer for your Brand

Scott Cook, founder and CEO of Intuit, said: “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer: it is what consumers tell each other. This is the concept behind the influencer phenomenon. In this article we explain how to find influencers for your strategy. This shift in this balance of consumer brand power can,…

3 ways to verify if your influencer has fake followers

Working with influencers it is an excellent way for a brand to expand their own audience, develop awareness on social and create user generated content. However, brands should check carefully their influencers before starting a partnership. One important thing that brands should check are fake followers.

How (and why) you should attract pet owners for your brand

Attracting pet owners for your brand? Exactly. If you scroll social medias feed, probably you will find at least one photo of a pet owner. It is not your imagination, the increase of pet owners is moving consumers preferences and stopping in an unusual way industries. Currently, 73% of millenials own a pet – the…

How to create an effective content marketing strategy

So, what is a content marketing strategy? It is a detailed approach to the content you publish on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. A content strategy takes several key marketing factors into consideration. Let’s take a look at these considerations so you can start creating an effective content strategy to market and grow your business. It is…

Marketing on Instagram: the best “Best Practices”

Instagram reaches 500 million users a day, so if you are not already working on this social to gain more visibility, you should start now to grow your Instagram marketing. However, as with all social media, before embarking on the management of this platform, it is important to start getting to know it in more…

How to increase your followers in 6 steps

Between algorithm changes and thousands of brands competing to expand their following, it has become increasingly difficult to stand out and increase engagement on Instagram. The question therefore arises: how can I build an authentic and organic audience? Let’s find out together how to increase followers the right way. Write descriptive captions Storytelling will help generate…

How to become a fashion influencer in 2021

come diventare influencer moda

Are you deeply convinced that fashion is your profession? Do you love shopping and glossy magazines? Are you that person who is conscious of current trends and who can predict the future ones? If you answered positively to at least 2 questions, it is the right time to think about connecting your life with fashion…

7 benefits of user-generated content for ecommerce Last year, around 3.78 billion people bought consumer goods via Web. The bulk of those eCommerce purchases were made on smartphones. More than 100 million photographs are uploaded to Instagram every day, but this is supplemented by content from Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and so on. Most of the people buy products and services via…

True and fake followers 67% of brands are concerned about influencer fraud. Companies that avoid working with influencers who have fake followers and fake likes get the most out of their investments. Detecting fake followers on Instagram is an important rule for creating a successful marketing campaign. The scam of fake influencers can generate a high ROI and…

How influencer marketing influences consumer behaviour Most teenagers trust influencers than celebrities Teenagers believe they relate, trust and find support in the influencers they follow. About 4 out of 10 teenagers stated that they are convinced that the influencer they follow understands them more than their friends. If an influencer can create an honest relationship with her audience, there is…

How to plan the influencer marketing budget

The foundation of every influencer marketing campaign is a well-defined budget. In 2022, around 75 per cent of marketers give part of their budget to influencer partnerships. The amount of money brands use for influencer marketing varies greatly. The number of influencers a company works with and the type of online marketing campaign have a…